As I mentioned in my previous post, I spent a good chunk of January doing the remodel in the Sprinter rig. Max the Road Warrior was bitchin' without a doubt but there were a few things to be improved. For a refresher on what the finished Road Warrior looked like click here. Our biggest gripe was the bed. As you can see in the old pictures, we were sleeping sideways with our feet under the cabinets. The van is 5'8" wide and I'm 5'10" with the Colinator being slightly shorter but much more sprawly in the sack. I brainstormed ideas for a bed that would maximize space for a year. Seriously. Much like the naked Archimedes and Doc from Back to the Future, my best ideas often come to me in the bathroom. Slightly less brilliant than a flux capacitor was my folding bed idea which came to me in the shower as I washed, rinsed, and repeated the flowing golden lock that covers my bald spot.
The other big improvement is the addition of a fridge. I researched for a long time and decided to go with electric over propane for a number of reasons. With the addition of an electric fridge I also needed to up my battery bank. I did have one 55 ah AGM battery mounted under the passenger seat and I chose to add in 200 more amp hours for a 255 total. The other two batteries would have to find a home as well.
I'm not going to go into all the pain in the ass details of tearing apart everything and redoing it except to say that that is what I had to do. The counter had to come out an inch to accomodate the fridge depth and the cabinetry beneath had to be completely redone as well. You'll notice if you look in the old pictures that the drawer moved front and center over the fridge, food storage moved to the left, and pots and pans remained under the sink, though the door had to be cut back to 13 inches wide. I also added a slide out dining table for the booth, which we will see momentarily, and a small table between the two front seats. Let's give er a walk through and check the specs on:
Mad Max the Road Warrior version 2.0 Beyond Thunderhome!!!!
One thing I learned in college is that sorority girls love pillow fights in panties. I cannot stress enough the importance of always having an ample supply on hand. This is the view of the back of the van with the doors open. Water tank is on the left with a hose that runs into it, through a PVC fitting that keeps the intake near the bottom. The pump is mounted near the wheelwell and it feeds the sink with 12v electric power. Simple. Propane is on the right. Two things I added to version 2.0: The tank used to be a bear to get in and out because it was taller than the framework. I cut the crossbeam and added a kickstand support on a hinge. It's secured with a wingnut on the bottom and holds the tank in place. It folds up for tank removal. Click the picture for detail. I also cut a hole as big as my hand in the bed platform. Now if a fire starts inside or we smell propane or simply want to cut it off at night for safety reasons, I can pull the mattress corner up and twist it off without having to remove the tank like I used to.
This is looking into the rig through the sliding door. Note the curtains. Another new addition. We have curtains on the slider, the back windows and a two piece curtain that closes behind the front seats. Good privacy for Walmart parking lots. You can see the fridge in the middle now. Also note the bench that comes out a bit further than it used to. The bed is six feet, 1 inch long now. It is cut in an L-shape that is hard to see in this picture. An extension cord is stashed in the foot step. I can pull it out, run it through a cracked window and plug in. The cord runs to a power strip that powers a battery charger (mounted over the wheel well under the bed) and another power strip that is accessible from inside for 110 power. No hardwiring! Simple and effective. The wires from the alternator run to a single 100 ah battery beneath the passenger seat then along the edge of the floor above the step in a wire hider (hard to see in this pic) to the other two batteries that are mounted just in front of the wheel well inside that box. That box has a space heater as well which we will see.
Looking toward the back of the van you can see our seating arrangement. The back rest is made up of the bedding rolled up in the back and the additional bed cushion on the left.
The space heater is mounted on a door that folds open. It runs off the propane tank. It closes and locks in place with a simple gate latch bolt style closure when driving.
The crux of the bed design was figuring out what the folding portion would settle on when in the open position. Google came to the rescue and I found the perfect option: a motorcycle foot peg. The peg folds up flush and out off the way when not in use. You can also see in this picture the inverter, the slide out table and bolt latch to hold it in place, and the custom cut slot that perfectly accomodates a 24 pack of beer. 
Onward with the transformation into the bed. The backrest is velcroed to the wall and the seat cushion is just sitting there. throw those on the back and fold over the wood piece. I am gracefully holding this up with my foot and shooting the picture at the same time to demonstrate.
The cushions pop in place.And the bedroll rolls down already made up. No need to stash blankets and remake the bed everyday as is common with other conversion designs. That was the requirement for me is that I wouldn't have to make up the bed everyday. 
I was able to use the existing holes that were for the safety kit common in most Sprinters. The fire extinguisher fits nicely on the driver seat mount visible in the above picture. 
These pictures aren't really in any order. Just kind of hopping around. This is the power strip. This is the same compartment that holds the trash can and dog food. Not very easily accessible but the times that we'll be using shore power are few and far between. In the rare case that we do have it we'll only be running a small electric heater. Like I said before, once that extension cord is plugged in the batteries are charging so we can run all our 12v with no regard for power conservation anyway. 
You can see just left of the light is the battery monitor. I'm really glad I got the good digital one. It's really helpful in managing the 12v power. I was a bit concerned with how much power the fridge would consume but so far I think it's going to be fine. 255 ah battery bank and the fridge pulls about 3 amps for about 40 seconds every 5 minutes or so. Very efficient. I left the fridge on for a few days and noticed no significant battery drain at all. Still 12.7 volts after 3 or 4 days. I am aware though that it's been highs of 50's and running it in the middle of the summer is going to be a different story. We'll see. You can also see the fan here. I like this fan a lot. With the back door cracked and a front window slightly open you get a nice cross breeze. I'm a little bummed I didn't install the fantastic fan but one of my requirements for the conversion was to cut no holes in the van. The only one I cut was for the sink drain.
The final shot here is the clothes cabinet which remained unchanged. The left two are for clothes. The shelves are removable. On extended trips it's nice to have all three shelves in so you can organize but for shorter trips it's nice to pack a small backpack in the house and just throw it in with the shelves collapsed. The right cabinet is for big stuff like dirty laundry bag. The small portion at the bottom is a slide out shelf for a laptop so you can lay in bed and watch movies. One space that opened up is the large storage portion below the clothes cabinet where our feet used to go when we were sideways sleepers. It fits a crashpad perfectly (a large piece of climbing gear for those unfamiliar) or just extra blankets, jackets, dog on a cold night, or even a child for the first 7 years of their life. The wood divider folds down and there is another piece of covered mattress that fits that spot. I did it that way so that if I go on trips by myself I can still sleep sideways if I want to avoid the tiny hassle of having to transform the bed.
Mad Max the Road Warrior version 2.0 Beyond Thunderhome!
If those van walls could talk, you would have to burn that rig to the ground.
Too scared to allow anonymous comments? Afraid youre gonna get something about how you need a full bar of soap to wash your fat legs?
"or even a small child for the first 7 years of their life" had me cracking up. Damn it boy, get in you hole and get some shut eye! You're selling lemonade at the crag tomorrow you little shit and you better make some dough. How else are your mom and I gonna keep climbing?
You forgot to mention that the upholstery was done by the woman whose birth canal you slid out of.
Michael...You are not a great climber nor will you ever be. You are fat. You are old. You are NOT pretty (straight up on the ugly side). You have an insane amount of issues that is obvious to anyone who has read your blog or met you. I'm sorry that you are so angry and you seem to have an unhealthy obsession with famous climbers. I really do feel sorry for you. Please consider some therapy rather than spreading pain to innocent people.
I recommend the Fantastic roof vent. It makes a huge difference in the comfort of the interior.
Hello Mike, would you be able to share the plans for your van conversion? I have a similar van and am considering converting it into a camper.
Thanks, Angel
All the plans are right here Angel! I don't have anything written down. Everything was eyeballed and free-styled. But I'd be happy to answer any questions you have. Email me at
Awesome conversion! Where did you buy the sink, burners, pump, etc? I am having a hard time finding that sort of stuff in the states. Everywhere a find seems to be out of Europe.
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